
A Commentary on Genesis 1–11 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Carl Lawrenz and John Jeske present an argument that a key to correctly understanding Genesis is the historical nature of all 10 of Genesis’ accounts of God’s saving activity. Each author brings a scholar’s knowledge of biblical Hebrew, a high view of Scripture as the verbally inspired and inerrant written Word of God, and a keen understanding of God’s plan of salvation centered in Jesus Christ....

does not treat in generic terms of the serpents as a class or of womanhood in general as the latter statement does. Who is meant by the woman’s seed and the serpent’s seed as God goes on to say that he will establish enmity between them also? The promise is certainly intended for all of Eve’s descendants. Potentially the woman’s seed would therefore be all of Eve’s descendants. But when we think of the actual establishment of the enmity envisioned in this divine promise, only those of Eve’s descendants
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